"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
1-Year Old Preschool Class
After seeing a need in the community for care of young toddlers, St. Alban's opened up an exceptional One Year Old class.
We have low child/staff ratios in this classroom to ensure the very best care. The curriculum used in this class is Beyond Cribs and Rattles, Creative Curriculum, and the Florida Developmental Standards, along with teacher created materials. One year olds are guided through activities that help them with balance and physical development, opportunities for creativity, exploration, and building vocabulary. One year olds must be able to sit independently, crawl on hands and knees, sit in a small chair, use a sippy cup, and feed themselves finger foods before enrollment.
2-Year Old Preschool Class
Our two year old classroom is action packed! Twos have more opportunity for developing their creativity through art, music, and
dramatic play. The curriculum used in our two year program is Beyond Cribs and Rattles, Creative Curriculum, Conscious Discipline and the Florida Developmental Standards, along with teacher created materials. All academics are taught through music, stories, and games. They experience more literature, music, and print to help them expand upon their vocabulary. We provide opportunities for the two year old's physical development running, jumping, climbing, pedaling. This age group is learning more how to get along with others and about the world around them. We help your child with potty training and independence. Two year olds must be able to walk independently, follow 1-2 simple directions, sit on a chair, feed themselves using a fork/spoon, and use a regular cup before enrolling into this class.
3 Year Old Preschool Class
Our three year old children are developing friendships and understanding the give and take of relationships. Their language use and understanding is rapidly expanding. Three year olds are becoming more graceful in their physical endeavors and are given many opportunities to use those developing muscles. The children are learning more about the world around them as their attention spans are developing. They practice throughout the day pre-reading and writing skills. Three year olds are getting more acquainted with using scissors and other tools in their creative work. They are learning more skills to aid in their independence such as pouring liquids, using serving utensils, and dressing themselves. The curriculums used in this classroom is the Beyond Centers and Circle Time, Conscious Discipline, and the Florida Developmental Standards, along with teacher created materials. Children must be able to use the bathroom independently and wear underwear before enrolling in the three year old class.
Pre-Kindergarten Class (4&5)
Our primary focus in the Pre-K class is getting the children well prepared to enter Kindergarten. Our Pre-K children are delving more into academics with emphasis on pre-reading and writing skills. Children are learning letter recognition, sounds, and practicing writing. They practice daily phonemic awareness, onset and rhyme, and math skills. They are continuing to work on both large muscle development (pedaling, jumping, skipping, balancing, etc.) as well as small muscle development (pinching, cutting with scissors, holding writing utensils properly, etc.). The curriculums used in the PreK classroom is Beyond Centers and Circle Time, Sanford Harmony SE Program, Conscious Discipline, Nemours Brightstart Reading Program, and the Florida Developmental Standards for Pre-k and Kindergarten. We help the children develop independence in all areas of development so that they are fully prepared to enter Kindergarten with its' larger group sizes and and challenges. Pre-K children must be fully potty trained and able to care for themselves in the bathroom.
We participate in Florida's Voluntary Pre-K program!